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Stress Triggers of Online Students : Management Techniques

Stress is a very normal and common reaction to demanding or unusual situations. While a little stress is good for better performance, too much stress may cause negative physical and emotional reactions. You can decrease these negative effects by learning how to deal with stress triggers.

Stress triggers

Students of any age can feel stressed due to schooling. Unfortunately, we do come across even elementary school students afflicted sometimes by stomach upset and headaches related to school anxiety. Many college students may also experience high levels of stress related to demands of education.

The most likely reasons for school-related anxiety are feelings of fear and loss of control. The sense of losing control is related to ineffective management of time, which in turn, is due to incapacity to get things done on time. This may also stem from having a hard time maintaining a healthy balance between home, work, personal health and school.

Another probable stress factor is anxiety, which may come in many forms, like anxiety of not doing well on tests or assignments, “sounding stupid” when replying to questions or asking questions, or missing out on deadlines. Another very common reason for stress is fear of ineffective use of technology.

Some people are intimidated by conversing online as what they write remains out there on forums for everyone to see. Those experiencing any of such stress triggers must realize that they do not constitute a small isolated group; there are many others like them. The best way to deal with the problem is to get in touch with your online professor or join a support group to discuss such concerns.

Here are some of the commonest symptoms of stress in online classrooms:

1. Incomplete work
2. Missed due dates
3. Lack of engagement and interaction in online discussions
4. Poor performance in obligatory assignments and discussion posts

Managing stress

Time management

One of the most important ways of reducing stress is to take complete control of your time – not only the time for school-related homework and study, but also that for your family, job, and personal interests. All these are ongoing aspects of your life, which need proper balancing to ensure that you have adequate time for everything.

Everyday time management should however be fluid because at times, your job will take a lot more time than you anticipated, or you will have family obligations that will force a cut down on school and work time. An overall balancing act is the key to preserving a time management system that gives you enough space to get all the schoolwork done.

Positive self-talk

To handle anxiety and fears due to online classes, you must indulge in frequent positive self-talk that everything is under perfect control and fine with you; if that is not enough get in touch with a supportive classmate, friend, or your online professor.

It’s very normal to be nervous and experience anxiety of “looking stupid” or feel diffident about the successful completion of any reputed online course. An important thing for you to remember is that yours is not an isolated case. When lack of time or any fear comes in the way of studying creditably, it’s best to seek help from your online professor, or maybe an academic advisor.
